Working in Agriculture, I always made it a point buy my nephews 1/64 scale farm toys for their birthdays and for Christmas. Since none of my nephews have parents in agriculture, they really didn't learn about how their food is made. As my nephews accumulated more and more farm toys we started making "farms" to go through the processes of producing crops as a learning experience while we played.
Young boys have a lot of questions and love large machinery. So we started watching videos of the toys they had (i.e. a combine harvesting corn). As they learned what each machine was designed to do our play time got a lot more intricate.
We created areas that were our corn fields, our cotton fields, our wheat fields and so on. This was difficult because we really couldn't distinguish what type of field it was by how it looked. Seeing how much they loved our farm playtime led me to search for rugs that accurately depicted crops for us to better simulate our farm.
I could not find any and the original idea for Rug Root Acres was born.